
After a break The Human Centered Design Society is in the process of setting up a full global organization.

HCD Leadership Team

Karl Smith, Current President and Membership & Operations Committee Director works in Transformation on the leading edge of what business, customer and digital means, where it’s going and helping clients to understand what they need to do now, to still exist in a shrinking global marketplace. He is also involved in defining how an open IoT ecosystem will work with blockchain and AI avatars towards the massive economic and social change it will bring.

Robert PowellEthics Committee Director works a full spectrum UX Consultant who has been practicing UX since before the term was coined and has been commercially involved with computer and service design solutionising since the days of Windows 3.11.  Unashamedly focussed on the science-based elements of our industry he is a research driven Human Centered Design evangelist, believing the best systems take into account not just the end user but the impact they have both digitally and otherwise on the entire organisations and communities they serve.  He measures success not in conversion rates or visitor upticks but in the satisfaction that his designs create.

J GillProfessional Standards Committee Director works at delivering strategic and tactical experience solutions globally. Running departments, leading teams or working independently, with C-suite through to practitioner level stakeholders.

Karen SmithEducation & Training Committee Director works as the Deputy Head, Cass School of Art which is part of London Metropolitan University. Teaching and research specialties: World cinema, contemporary European and British cinema, film marketing, heritage, epic, cult and exploitation film, exhibition and distribution, film festivals and audiences.

Windahl FinniganOutreach Committee Director works at a senior level, UX designer & Maker of Things: the blending of skills across art, science, business & technology. Over 25 years experience teaching companies to be more creative and innovative. Including 7 in technical consultancy facilitating workshops, stakeholder management, managing teams and collaborative approaches on large, complex global programs.

Thom HeslopEvents Committee Director works in strategic internet, software and intranet developments. He offers a well-rounded skill-set in analysis and design developed both in my professional and academic experience. In order to provide consultancy services, lecture and research I keep abreast of new developments, techniques and frameworks.

Esther Stringer, HCD Society is the Managing Director at Border Crossing I use  the statistical and methodical nature of my Astrophysics degree has allowed me to forge a career in Customer Analytics, Research and User Experience Design.

François Roshdy, HCD Society is a Head of User Experience with extensive experience of planning, implementing and continuously improving B2B & B2C projects across industry sectors.

Areas of expertise include: user experience strategy, generative/evaluative user research, business analysis, user centred (product/service) design, facilitation, information architecture, interaction design, prototyping and usability.

The Human Centered Design Society Board of Directors is formed from the chairperson of each of the committees, plus a President, Treasurer and a Secretary.

If you would like to volunteer your time, please contact us.

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